OCBA Minutes from May
Ocracoke Civic and Business Association
DRAFT Minutes
Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Held in Ocracoke School Commons room
Meeting was called to order by President Rudy Austin at 7:10 p.m. Board members present: Connie Leinbach, Kenny Balance, Jim Borland and Clayton Gaskill. Members present: Janey Jacoby, Arleen Burley.
Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report: Kenny reported that cash balance was $30,005.93.
Travel & Tourism Director’s report: Sundae Horn was not in attendance but had sent Connie the following: She is still working on the July 4 schedule of activities. Robin Payne ordered a second clear rack for brochures for the Visitor’s Center in Community Square. We still need racks for brochures on two or three ferries. We do have them on three ferries. Rudy suggested the center needs better signage.
President’s report: Rudy reported that dredging on the Ocracoke side of the Hatteras Inlet, which the state is responsible for, is finished and the channel is marked. It’s now the Army Corps of Engineers’ duty to finish dredging the rest of the channel and that they are responsible for the channel from the throat of the Inlet to Hatteras. The depth is there but not the width needed for two ferries to pass safely, nor can the a dredge and ferry operate at the same time in the narrow part that needs the most dredging. If the Corps can dredge for five days the job would get done. Rudy also said he asked the Coast Guard to put marker buoys in the natural channel. He said he would contact Rep. Walter Jones’ office about this as well and the OCBA members should, too.
Boat Ramp at the NPS dock: Rudy said the ramp at the refurbished public dock is a disaster. Boaters have to back their cars into the water in order to launch their boats. He said the head of maintenance for the NPS here on Ocracoke knows about it.
Rudy also talked about an electronic sign in Currituck County that several weeks ago had noted that ferries to Ocracoke were suspended when they really weren’t. Then social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) transmitted the false messages which prevented a lot of tourists from coming to the island. He called the ferry division in Morehead City and told them to discontinue using the informational signs in Currituck and only use the one at Whalebone Junction.
County Manager Bill Rich has organized a community meeting here June 9 with the new Ferry Division head Ed Goodwin.
NPS: Rudy said we need to press the NPS for public sound side access off the Southpoint Road. This would allow people without a beach-driving permit access to water and to swim in the Sound when it’s too windy at the beach. The NPS would have to
Road paving: Arleen Burley reported that the DOT has postponed the road repaving on the island until after Labor Day.
Letters needed for OCBA to send: A letter of thanks to Dare County for their help with the channels, buoys and the Oregon Inlet Committee; a letter of thanks to the state DOT for continuing to dredge the Hatteras Inlet.
Old Business: The group decided against a suggestion to change the monthly meeting days. They will continue on the second Wednesday of every month.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Next meeting is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 11.
Following this meeting, the board voted via email to grant $500 to the Ocracoke School for a scholarship to a graduating senior.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Leinbach, secretary
Monthly meeting
7 p.m. Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Ocracoke Community Center
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer’s Report (Kenny Ballance)
Travel & Tourism Director report (Sundae Horn)
President’s Report (Rudy Austin)
Storm Water Committee report; request to send bid request to Mosquito Control Board
New Business
Darlene Styron report from talks with Dare County officials
Old Business
As-needed updates:
Committee reports
Officers’ reports
County Manager, Bill Rich
County Commissioner, John Fletcher
National Park Service, Ed Fuller