OCBA Draft Minutes From 11/13/13

Press Release

Ocracoke Civic and Business Association November meeting

November 13, 2013 meeting minutes DRAFT

Meeting called to order by, Rudy Austin, president.  Board members attending: Clayton Gaskill Carol Pahl, Jim Borland and Connie Leinbach.     

Minutes:  The minutes of the Oct. 9, 2013, meeting were approved with corrections.

Treasurer’s Report:  Carol reported that beginning assets were $48,122.50 plus a CD of $35,124.56.  Income for the month was $17,565, which includes dues and walking map advertising. Expenses were $2,978.09 for an ending cash balance of $62,709.41. Total cash and CD balance is $97,833.97.    She noted that the CD matures this month. The group agreed to let it roll over again, minus $1200 for storm water engineering report costs, for another six months.

President’s report: Rudy explained that the NC Ferry Division is looking to extend the departure times for the longer routes so that the last ones from Cedar Island and Swan Quarter would leave a half hour later than what they normally do.  Final schedule TBD.  He also noted that the Hatteras channel is shoaling up again. The really narrow spot is getting longer. 

Nominating committee: Rudy appointed himself, Corky Pentz and Connie Leinbach to the nominating committee. New board members will be voted on at the December meeting.

Storm Water: Robin Payne announced that the North Carolina Coastal Federation will be on the island Nov. 21 for a meeting in the Community Center to prioritize projects. A lot of work has already been done. We just need to move forward and they will steer the process.

Travel and Tourism Director report:  Sundae reported that she has been fielding a lot of calls about what is open this time of the year. She has received some complaints from tourists who visit and not find enough open. Some business owners feel we should focus on event planning to lure tourists; some think nothing matters if there are tolls on the ferries or they are not running.

She has met with more travel writers. A piece on NC beaches will be in the Dec. 5 online issue of USA Today.

Ocracoke won the “Best of the Beach” Best Weekend Getaway promotion with MAX radio.

She sent out a press release on the Dec. 7 Historic Holiday Home Tour on Howard Street.

The advertising committee will get together to discuss advertising ideas for spring.

County manager’s report: Bill Rich reported via speaker phone.

    Ferries: the Legislature in June passed the (possible) tolling of ferries down to the local level. If tolls are raised or enacted (on non-tolled ferries), this will come from a group called the Regional Planning Organization, of which each section of the state has one.   He said the RPOs were created to take responsibility for everything the state didn’t get approved or doesn’t’ want to deal with, and that each RPO has to appropriate money from an amount each got from the state for all transportation in their district. “The state has given us total responsibility for the life of the ferries,” Bill said.  

The RPO Hyde is in is composed of 10 counties and all sympathize with our plight. The Ferry Division is responsible for operation of the ferries and the RPO is responsible for capital expenses, or new ferries, should the need arise. The RPO also is responsible for raising the $4 million that the Legislature had wanted to get from higher ferry tolls in 2011.

Bill said they are looking at selling naming rights to the ferries, but that will not cover this entire amount. They are leaning toward enacting a toll on the Hatteras ferry but seeking exempting Ocracoke residents. While the law allows for alternative routes to toll roads, the Hatteras ferry is our only alternative. So, the RPO is seeking a legal rendering as to whether Ocracoke residents can be exempt from paying the toll.  However, that could be “discriminating” and therefore illegal. Bill said there are some legal precedents elsewhere in the country allowing for such a “selective” tax. If that fails and should a toll be enacted for all, Bill said Malcolm Fearing, who is our representative on the RPO, would look for a way to subsidize Ocracoke residents, either through a grant, or from the state Transportation Department’s budget. Mr. Fearing is a huge supporter of Ocracoke, Bill said.

In addition, Rep. John Torbett of Gaston County (near Charlotte) will visit the island Nov. 21. Mr. Torbett, along with Charles Jeter (Charlotte) and Paul Tine visited the island in April. It was the first time here for Torbett and Jeter. Bill said Mr. Torbett has become a fan of Ocracoke and one of our few friends in Raleigh.

As for the $12,000 Scenic Byway grant needed from Hyde County, Bill said that he looked through all of the county commissioners’ minutes and it was never actually approved, although they did agree to it.  The local Scenic Byway committee should attend the Dec. 2 commissioners meeting and again make the presentation. However, if approved, the money would not be available until the new fiscal year begins July 1.

Old Business:

Committee for voluntary signage rules: Connie read Tom Pahl’s email about wanting to get a group of business owners together to explore the idea of voluntarily improving (or not) the sign quality on the island. A motion to agree to the committee and appoint Tom as chair was made by Connie Leinbach and seconded by Carol Pahl. Motion approved and carried.


--A meeting with insurance officials explaining the Affordable Health Care Act will be held at 5 p.m. Nov. 21 in the Community Center.

--Ocracoke Foundation has finally settled on the purchase of Community Square.

Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Next meeting is Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. in the Community Center.


Respectfully submitted,

Connie Leinbach, Secretary


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