Spring Wellness Day on Ocracoke
A day to give wellness back to the Ocracoke community! This day begins at 9am with free sample classes offered at Angie's gym; Yoga with Amy, Piyo with Angie, Capeoira with Casey, Thai Chi and Gentle Yoga with Grace and Henry, and Meditation with Mitzi.
Come and go as you like... See posters around town for full schedule or call Amy.
11:30am – 12:30pm a Healthy Potluck Lunch.
Then free half hour massage, reiki, physical therapy, personal training, and hypnotherapy session from 1pm-5pm.
These sessions fill up quick, call Amy soon to schedule yours. Angie's gym will be open all day for free for all to experience, too! Call Amy at 252-921-0182 to schedule a free wellness session and visit www.yogawithamy.net (see workshops for more information.)
All are invited!