Giving Thanks

Sundae Horn

Leslie Gilbert taught Sunday School for fifteen years. The kids thanked her for it this week.

Pastor Laura reads from former students' letters while Leslie manages not to cry.
Pastor Laura reads from former students' letters while Leslie manages not to cry.

The kids at Ocracoke United Methodist Church honored Miss Leslie during church on Sunday, November 18th. She officially retired from her Sunday School duties after 15 years of teaching Bible verses, reading Bible stories, leading discussions, doing crafts, and getting the kids to memorize the Lord's Prayer. Over the years she's also organized Vacation Bible School and directed the Christmas pageant. 

To honor and celebrate Miss Leslie, former students Aaron Caswell and Dylan Bennink kicked off the ceremony by playing a song for her. One member of the congregation reported being moved to tears over the heartfelt performance of "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison.

Aaron and Dylan
Aaron and Dylan

During the Children's Moments part of Sunday's service, Pastor Laura Stern called Leslie's students, past and present, to come up and thank her.

Former student Annie Garrish Pfeuffer presented Miss Leslie with a Bible signed by her Sunday School class and former students. 

Miss Leslie's son, William, who has also been her student and helper, gave her the beautiful altar flowers, and Pastor Laura read from letters sent by Emma Lovejoy, Molly Lovejoy, Tristan Bennink, and Echo Bennink about what a great role model and teacher she has been.

If you see Leslie around the island, please thank her for her service!
If you see Leslie around the island, please thank her for her service!

Then the kids lined up to hug her, and Leslie thanked them for being such great students. She also promised she wasn't leaving Ocracoke – or the church, and would still see them!  

"Leslie is a gifted woman of great faith and dedication," Pastor Laura said. "She has been a blessing to this church family and to an entire generation of its children."

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