Current Events Week of March 5–11

March came in like a lion, windy and cold.

February was such a tease. At least some of the pollen is blowing away....

If you're planning a visit during the early spring, check out the Who's Open page so you'll know where you can eat, sleep, shop, and play. Spring opening dates for your favorite places are on there, too!

Even with limited options for ways to spend your money, Ocracoke is a great getaway. The best part of a winter visit is the great outdoors. The winter beach is amazing. Springer's Point and the NPS Nature trail never disappoint. Less is more around these parts.

Monday, March 5th:

5pm: Public Hearing on Offshore Drilling @ Community Center 

Current Events Week of March 5–11

6pm: Hyde County Board of Commissioners meeting @ Community Center. The agenda and packets for the Monday, March 5, 2017, Hyde County Board of Commissioners meeting are now available to the public. Click here to view the documents. The meeting will take place via teleconferencing equipment in the Hyde County Government Center and in the Ocracoke Community Center. The public is invited to attend.

Current Events Week of March 5–11

Tuesday, March 6th:

4:30am: IF they are running, the Hatteras-Ocracoke ferries will switch to their spring schedule. More info here.

7pm: OPS Spring Social @ Community Center. All are welcome (not just OPS members) – please bring a dessert to share.

(This week's events at the Coyote Music Den are cancelled due to construction in the Community Square.)

Wednesday, March 7th:

(This week's events at the Coyote Music Den are cancelled due to construction in the Community Square.)

Thursday, March 8th:

1:30pm Funeral Service for Mike Jordan @ Our Lady of the Seas in Buxton, NC

Friday, March 9th:

6pm: Family Movie Night @ Ocracoke Library Free event! Come out to watch Boss Baby in 3-D! Kids under 10 must be accompanied by grown-up.

Saturday, March 10th:

Eduardo's Taco Stand opens for the season!

Current Events Week of March 5–11

6pm: Women's Wine Tasting @ Zillie's It's the Annual Ladies Wine Tasting, oo-hosted by Angie Todd and Sarah Fiore! Taste some great wines and wear your favorite wig! NO men are allowed till 7:45 pm, and Zillie's will stay open until 10pm. Make a reservation here

Sunday, March 11th:

Services @ both churches: Ocracoke United Methodist (Sunday School 10am; service at 11am) and Ocracoke Assembly of God (Sunday School 10am, services at 11am and 6pm; also Wednesday night service at 7pm).

Looking ahead....

March is a busy month -- lots of spring openings and annual meetings and more!

Check out the Ocracoke Current calendar for more events and information! We're on Twitter and Instagram, too! 

Send info about any events we may have missed to

This story will be updated as needed with more information, so check back! 



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