Monday Power Update
Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC) continues its execution of two simultaneous solutions to restore transmission service to Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands.
Significant progress has been made on the overhead solution and today crews have already set seven of the required 10 transmission poles. Construction work will continue this evening.
Excavation and dewatering continue at the site of the damaged underground transmission cables. Two of the three cables have been uncovered. The first was severed and has already been spliced back together. Tests on the second cable indicate that it is uncompromised. Crews are close to the third cable, but because of the complex dewatering process, conditions have been challenging. PCL Construction will continue to excavate the trench through the night.
Restoring permanent transmission service as quickly and safely as possible is CHEC's top priority. The timeline for a complete repair ranges from one to two weeks. Tideland EMC members at Ocracoke Island continue to have their energy needs met by three diesel generators, and energy conservation restrictions were lifted Saturday evening at Ocracoke due to milder weather.