Sundae Horn
Smart Kids

Samantha Sutton, Andrew Tillett and Darvin Contreras took home high honors at Ocracoke School's last Awards Assembly for the 2011-12 school year. 

Judy Garrish from East Carolina Bank attends the last-day-of-school festivities every year just to award the plaques for highest academic average for the year.

Sam had the highest average for grade 3-5, Darvin scored highest for middle school, and Andrew beat the stiff competition for the high school award.

It was an especially sweet victory for Andrew, who said he'd "waited years for this!" Andrew's always been sooooo close, but ultimately beaten out by other island smarty-pants (Joe Chestnut and Katie O'Neal were two he named as examples). 

Congrats to Sam, Andrew and Darvin for a great year! Enjoy your summer, kids!