for members of the Ocracoke Volunteer Fire Department was taught through Beaufort Community College. The course was formed on November 14th 2011. The class ran every Monday and Thursday 6pm-10pm through January 26th 2012. Course content included: medical terminology, anatomy, airway management, oxygen therapy, defibrillator training, medical history and vital signs, cardiac emergencies, respiratory emergencies, medical emergencies, shock, muscle and bone injuries, child birth and mass casualty incidents.
The lead instructor for the class was Eric Godbey (Ocracoke EMS) assisted by David Kieffer (Ocracoke EMS). After completing the class, the students were scheduled for the state medical exam. On February 2nd a cookout was held at O.V.F.D. and the members were recognized for their accomplishments.
On February 16th O.V.F.D. hosted its first state Medical Responder certification exam. The next day, the exams were graded by the state and 100% pass rate was achieved by the students taking the exam. Albert O’Neal (chief), Mark Justice (lieutenant), Van O’Neal (captain engineer), Sunnie Godbey (ff), Susie Kennedy (ff), Micah Bassell (ff), Barbara Burley (ff), and Amy Gutierrez (ff) are now able to provide medical care before the ambulance arrives and continue that medical care as needed. We look forward to serving our community with better services and highly trained staff members.