We had to upgrade our commenting system this morning and, we are sorry to say, the process ERASED all your wonderful comments from the past two weeks! We appreciated each and every one, so please keep commenting. We haven't deleted anyone on purpose!
We got our first report from Google Analytics and now we know how popular we are! In the past two weeks since we went live, we've had over 6000 visits, from over 3000 unique visitors, and each one of you has looked at an average of 5 pages per visit. It all adds up to 30,000 page views! We are very happy about this, and love you all for loving us!
We're now on Facebook (Ocracoke Current) and Twitter (@ocracokecurrent), and if you want to receive regular email updates, you can sign up for an RSS feed here: http://www.ocracokecurrent.com/rss.xml
Keep checking back. Jenny is working on some articles today. Really.