For those of you who keep up with the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) website related to COVID updates, you will have seen on October 21, 2020 that NC DHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen and NC Department of Public Safety Secretary Erik A Hooks sent letters to county leaders of 36 counties, one of which was Hyde. The secretaries are suggesting that counties with rates higher than 50 cases per 10,000 implement stronger mitigation strategies to reduce the spread of COVID-10. Hyde County’s rate per 10,000 on October 21, 2020 was 334.74. Hyde is the third highest in the state.
Though this rate is considerably high, much of our cases have been in congregate living facilities. The latest jump in cases, as noted in the last press release, was a result of an outbreak in a local correctional facility. However, all cases have recovered with the exception of 1. Today, our total case count is 176, recovered 170, deaths 5, with the 1 remaining active case.
Though Hyde County is being asked to tighten down on mitigation efforts, such as imposing civil penalties for violating stricter standards, or the health director enforcing Imminent Hazard Abatement orders, this press release is yet another recommendation and request for the general public to adhere to wearing facial coverings, avoid large crowds, socially distance, and wash your hands frequently.
This release is also an informational piece for the public to know that even though community spread exists, mass congregate living settings have housed a large portion of our cases. This can change. Colder weather will force more people inside and once school re-opens this increases congregate settings (though science shows that elementary age children do not transmit the virus as easily as adults and adolescents). People may be lowering their guard simply because they are tired of dealing with COVID, and some do not believe it is real. Regardless of public perception, the potential exists for our cases to rise in the community setting. Health Director Luana Gibbs asks all to please be mindful.
As always, the Hyde County Health Department remains available to the public to answer questions and provide education. We can be reached at 926-4399 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. For 24/7 on-call services, dial 1-866-462-3821, the Coronavirus Hotline.
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Practice the 3 Ws - Wear, Wait, Wash!!!