Press Release
Art Auction Goes Online

Request a canvas now for the annual OPS Art Auction!

The annual "Ocracoke Through Your Eyes" Art Auction will be happening January 23, 2021! But things will be a little different....the auction will be completely online. Bidding will take place as usual over the course of several days prior to January 23, then on that day, deadlines will be set for each piece and the bidding will be final. There will be no in person bidding and no live event.

The same great art, the same great fun!

If you would like a canvas or two, please let us know and we will happily mail them to you. Send your requests for canvases to

We look forward to seeing everyone's version of Ocracoke Through Your Eyes!

2019 entry from Maureen Ciancio
2019 entry from Maureen Ciancio