Press Release
News about COVID and how the case numbers break down. 

Note: This is two Hyde County Health Department press releases, both issued Wednesday, August 19, combined into one article.

In order that the general public has an understanding of COVID case counts and Health Department processes, and to remain transparent to the residents of Hyde County, the following information explains how numbers are tallied and what they mean. 

Total Cases as reported by Hyde County Health Department are numbers of laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 that after investigation by the Health Department are determined to be residents of Hyde County. NC DHHS occasionally receives notification of positive cases with incorrect addresses. Once an investigation by Health Department staff is completed, those numbers may change to account for the updated, correct information. 

Recovered cases are those individuals who have met the criteria for release from their isolation (have been at least 10 days from the start of their symptoms, have an improvement in their symptoms and have been at least 24 hours without fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication). 

* Individuals who are considered part of an outbreak may not be included in the Recovered numbers until the outbreak is considered over. 

Here are the updated case counts for Hyde County as of 8/19/2020: 

Hyde County COVID-19 Update

All of the cases described above are on the Mainland. Ocracoke has had cases reported, some of which were out of state individuals, and others who were determined to be residents of other counties. NC DHHS updates the state website of case counts by zip codes.

You can access that website here.

As always, the Hyde County Health Department remains available to the public to answer questions and provide education. We can be reached at 926-4399 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Get your information from reliable sources, such as: 

Stay Safe and Healthy!!! 

Practice the 3 Ws!!!