Press Release
TDA & OCBA Decide to Part Ways
Ocracoke Tourism Development Authority to separate from Ocracoke Civic & Business Associati

On December 10 and 11th, the Ocracoke Tourism Development Authority (OTDA), the Ocracoke Civic and Business Association (OCBA), and the Ocracoke Occupancy Tax Board met jointly to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the three boards. The OTDA board voted that effective June 30, 2020, they will assume responsibility of promoting Ocracoke Island as a travel and tourism destination and will no longer contract with OCBA to assume that role.

The two boards have worked closely together for the past two years. The OTDA’s decision to not renew its contract with OCBA was reached after much thoughtful discussion and is an amicable parting. The OTDA will now focus on its legislated mandate to market and promote Ocracoke Island. Over the next few months the two boards will be focused on implementing these changes.