Sundae Horn

NC's voter registration deadline was 10/12, but there are still many more chances!

Image from the Voting is an Act of Love Campaign at
Image from the Voting is an Act of Love Campaign at

Ocracoke's voter registration deadline is TODAY. One-Stop Voting prolongs the registration possibilities.

The Hurricane Florence Emergency Response Act extended the voter registration deadline to 5 p.m. October 15, 2018 in 28 counties most affected by the storm (including Hyde). Mailed registration applications must be postmarked on or before the deadline. Get to the P.O.! (Hard copies of the registration forms are available at Ocracoke Library, which opens at 3pm today.)

Hey, you're already online! Why not register right now? Here's the link for NC voters:

Don't like the pressure of deadlines? You're in luck! You can still vote:

Eligible individuals who miss the regular deadline still may register and vote in their county of residence during the in-person early voting period, which runs from October 17 through November 3. Voters who register and vote at the same time must provide proof of residence. More information.

Deadline, Schmeadline

On Ocracoke, our Early Voting One-Stop days are October 24 and 25 at the Fire Hall from 9am–5pm. Go visit the nice election judges -- they get lonely on Early Voting days. 

Maybe you're not sure if you're still registered, or registered in the correct location. Look it up! It's so easy -- here's the link: In fact, you can look up anybody – I do it all the time. Tired of that cranky troll on Facebook who argues politics with you? Find out if they actually walk the walk. The NC Voter Lookup site tells you when and where a person last voted and how they are registered. It doesn't tell you HOW they voted, of course, because that's private, but it does tell you WHETHER a person cares enough to participate in their civic duty. Satisfy your curiosity! Add voter lookup to your list of ways to vet a potential love interest: does he or she vote? No? Swipe left. True story: I looked up both of my big kids after the '16 election. Santa and I wanted to know for sure that they'd voted before we started shopping. 

Ocracoke residents can also One-Stop early vote on the mainland! (See schedule.) So many days to vote! If you're heading off the island for some reason, drop by the Public Safety Building at 1223 Main Street in Swan Quarter.

Vote on the mainland!
Vote on the mainland!
Sample Hyde County ballot side 1
Sample Hyde County ballot side 1
Sample Hyde County Ballot side 2
Sample Hyde County Ballot side 2

Thanks to the Current's friends Sara Chauhan and Monica Corcoran for letting us use their TMonkInk designs. These designs (and more!) are available as t-shirts, tote bags, stickers and more on the Shop menu on

Image from the Voting is an Act of Love Campaign at
Image from the Voting is an Act of Love Campaign at