Press Release
Ocracoke's Own Ruth Fordon Recognized for Volunteer Efforts
This National Volunteer Week, April 15-21, 2018, Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore) commends Volunteer Ruth Fordon for her commitment to its sea turtle nesting program.

Fordon assists with turtle strandings, nest sitting, early morning turtle patrols, and raking out vehicle tracks.

“In 2003, I first volunteered with the Seashore for turtle patrol,” Fordon said. “I love the early morning solitude of the ocean side and treasure those daybreaks when sea turtle tracks are found moving onto the sandy beach. Locating the nest, digging to ascertain that indeed eggs were deposited, and then all the labor to properly outline the turtle nest area for protection from intruding feet and vehicles brings a feeling of deep satisfaction to me. I have also had the privilege of nest sitting and witnessing a boil [turtle hatching event], that amazing moment when the hatchlings depart the nest in masses and head to the ocean.”

“Ruth's devotion to the sea turtles has been invaluable to both the community and the Seashore,” said Lead Biological Science Technician Jocelyn Wright. “Ruth even helped to train me at my first sea turtle nest ten years ago. It has been a pleasure to work with her all these years and I'm glad to have this opportunity to recognize her amazing contribution.”

Fordon has been a full-time Ocracoke resident since 1988. In addition to volunteering, she has a multitude of jobs on the island including real estate, working for the local newspaper, and photography.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore welcomes volunteers. To view a list of current volunteer opportunities, visit Or call 252-475-9042 for more information.