Except for the noise we expect in the Dolphin Tank (a.k.a. Ocracoke School gym), this should be a pretty quiet week on Ocracoke. It's going to be warm and sunny. Winter beach days are the best!
If you're planning a visit during the winter, check out the Who's Open page so you'll know where you can eat, sleep, shop, and play. Even with limited options for ways to spend your money, Ocracoke is a great getaway. The best part of a winter visit is the great outdoors. The winter beach is amazing. Springer's Point and the NPS Nature trail never disappoint. Less is more around these parts.
5:30pm: Ocracoke Waterways Commission meeting @ Ocracoke Community Center
2pm: Public Hearing on Offshore Oil Drilling Speak out on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 2–4pm @ the Ocracoke Community Center. NC Secretary of Environmental Quality, Michael Regan, will be in attendance in Swan Quarter; Ocracoke will be hooked up by video link at the Community Center.
6pm: Go Dolphins! Home State Playoff game for Varsity Boys Team. Concessions begin at 5:30pm. All admission is $6 (even for kids -- it's a state rule) Let's fill the Dolphin Tank with blue!
(All February events at the Coyote Music Den are cancelled due to construction in the Community Square.)
7pm: Special Program @ Ocracoke Library The Ocracoke Library presents “My Dearest Friend”: A Performance Piece by Jim Stapleton based on the letters of John & Abigail Adams, featuring Diana Bigelow & Jim Stapleton. The program is FREE to the public and will last about an hour. The presentation is intended for age 12 & up.
2pm: Memorial Service for Margaret Pollard @ Ocracoke Assembly of God Church. The family will receive guests after the service in the Fellowship Hall. Food can be dropped off at the church beginning at 11am.
Services @ both churches: Ocracoke United Methodist (Sunday School 10am; service at 11am) and Ocracoke Assembly of God (Sunday School 10am, services at 11am and 6pm; also Wednesday night service at 7pm).
March is a busy month -- lots of spring openings and annual meetings and more!
Check out the Ocracoke Current calendar for more events and information! We're on Twitter and Instagram, too!
Send info about any events we may have missed to ocracokecurrent@gmail.com.
This story will be updated as needed with more information, so check back!