All are welcome to a wine-and-cheese (and more!) reception and art opening on Saturday, January 23rd, from 5 – 7pm at the Museum. What a great way to spend a blustery night!
The artwork will be available through a silent auction during the reception. Bidding begins at $10 a canvas. Amy and Karen are posting photos of the canvases on the OPS Facebook page. You can see a selection there and even place your bid online – until noon on Saturday!
Last year, OPS received a wonderful collection of collages, paintings, and photographs to auction at the event, which raised over $5000 for the non-profit.
This year's show appears to be just as strong, with creative canvasses (and more!) by residents and visitors, young and old.
Here are a couple of my newest favorites. (Amy expects to receive even more at the last minute!)