Ocracoke Civic and Business Association DRAFT Minutes
Wednesday, July 8, 2015. Ocracoke Community Center
Meeting was called to order by President Rudy Austin at 7:09 p.m. Board members present: Rudy Austin, Connie Leinbach, Jim Borland, Justin LeBlanc
Others present: Sundae Horn, Corey Cutright (for the NPS), Arleen Burley, Matteus, Tyler and Daniela Gilbert, Dick and Janey Jacoby, Chaeli Moyer and Kris Noble.
Minutes: Of the May and June meetings were approved.
Treasurer’s report: Starting balance: $23,372.72. Checks written since June 10--$16,625.45 (July 4 activities, insurance, utilities, etc.)
$36,701 received from Occupancy Tax for July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015.
Balance in checking account as of July 8: $60,073.72 Total in CD: $34,061.36
NPS report: Corey Cutright reported that 1,226 annual beach-driving permits have been sold to date; 1,141 at this time last year. 219 are annual permits (up from 148 last year at this time); and 1,007 weekly (up from 948 last year). Bird nestings are slowing down. There are 56 turtle nests and none that block beach access. Rudy said there are 67 nests on Cape Lookout.
Travel & Tourism Director’s report: Sundae Horn reported that the July 4 celebration went well. Ride the Wind received best in show for the parade floats. For next year, she will ask the Hyde County commissioners to be the sponsor of fireworks. They should decide this in August so that we can schedule them for next year on July 4. There’s a possibility the NPS will allow them on the beach. The last time this was allowed was in 2007.
As for sharks, she had gotten no emails until today (July 9) about them with a man asking what we were doing about it. She said a few motels reported cancellations.
Fig Fest: a committee (Robin Payne, Claudia Lewis, Chester Lynn, Daphne Bennink, Amy Howard and herself) has met and set the event for Friday, August 14th.
Website: We have new members: Deepwater Theater and the Berkley Manor. An events page has been added for year-round information.
A motion to approve Sundae’s attendance at a regional tourism meeting next week (July 16) in New Bern and to pay for one night’s lodging and travel expense was made by Jim Borland and seconded by Justin LeBlanc. Motion approved and carried.
Approval of Ocracoke School scholarship: A motion was made by Sundae Horn to approve the $500 scholarship donated annually for an Ocracoke School graduation senior going on the higher education; seconded by Jim Borland. Motion approved and carried. This year the scholarship went to Samantha Styron.
Request from Matteus Gilbert: Matteus, a junior, had been selected by his teachers to attend the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership conference at Loyola University in Chicago July 18 to 25. At this, attendees learn how they can make a difference in the community, learn about social change and models of leadership. Forty percent of the attendees are international. While the total cost is about $1,700, he was not asking us for the entire amount. Part of the leadership training is learning to fund raise in the community. The group asked Matteus to attend a future meeting and give a report. A motion to award Matteus $499 was made by Jim Borland and seconded by Connie Leinbach. Motion approved and carried.
Blackbeard’s Pirate Jamboree: Connie showed the marketing matrix for business involvement with this event. The idea all along was for this festival to generate income in the shoulder season. With businesses being the venues for the beer gardens, the Friday night opening event and the Saturday night Bawdy Beer Garden, they will have that chance. Since the main event is on Saturday, Oct. 31, we can market it as a Halloween destination. Ocracoke Child Care has agreed to run a Saturday night Kids party in the Ocracoke Community Center while the parents attend the Bawdy Beer Garden. OCC will charge for this party.
County manager: Kris Noble attended for County Manager Bill Rich. She said VisitNC’s TRAC program will be on the island Oct. 22. This is a training day to learn about how VisitNC can enhance our tourism. All businesses are welcome to attend.
The revolving loan program is going well with three businesses on the island enrolled in the program.
She is working with Beaufort County Community College for more online courses available for Ocracoke.
She will have two interns from ECU this summer. One will survey people as to what courses they want. The other will do a survey of island and mainland businesses in order to have a database of businesses.
The county is looking at developing extra parking for the lighthouse across the street from it and also—with Cape Hatteras National Seashore Superintendent Dave Hallac—to find some Soundside access, both for ORV and pedestrian use. Handicap access to the beach is also being looked at. She, Bill and Hallac will meet again in late July or early August. Rudy noted that because of the shark attacks, Sound side access to the water is even more urgent.
Old business: Can the Ocracoke School shop class revamp the 25+ Christmas lights? They need to be brushed, repainted and lightbulbs replaced.
No new treasurer yet.
Storm water: Justin reported that installation of the drainage at Blackbeard’s Lodge will happen after tourist season because they will have to close off that portion of Back Road for a day to do so.
New Business: None
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.mm.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Leinbach, secretary